What is urinalysis?
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Understanding Urinalysis: Importance and Interpretation
The Role of Kidneys
The kidneys play a vital role in eliminating waste materials, fluids, and other substances from the body.
What is Urinalysis?
Urinalysis, the testing of a patient's urine, provides valuable insights into potential health issues or helps rule out other problems.
Key Points:
- Urinalysis is a routine and diagnostic procedure.
- It can detect various substances, including legal or illegal drugs and pregnancy.
- Results may be influenced by diet, medications, dehydration, and other factors.
Importance of Urinalysis
Urinalysis serves as an essential diagnostic tool, offering early indications of underlying health conditions.
Signs Revealed by Urinalysis:
- High levels of glucose may signal potential diabetes.
- Persistent protein presence could indicate chronic kidney disease.
- Detection of bacterial or white blood cells may suggest a urinary tract infection.
Urinalysis provides valuable insights into a patient's health, aiding in the early detection and management of various medical conditions.