Soft signs of possible deterioration
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The RESTORE2 System: Identifying Early Signs of Deterioration
Understanding Soft Signs of Deterioration
The RESTORE2 system focuses on identifying early soft signs indicating patient deterioration. Recognizing these signs increases the chances of detecting worsening conditions and enables prompt clinical intervention.
Challenges in Spotting Soft Signs
Soft signs of deterioration can manifest gradually over hours or days, making them challenging to detect without understanding the patient's baseline health status.
Key Indicators of Deterioration
Signs to look for include:
- Shortness of Breath: Difficulty talking in full sentences, increased breathing rate
- Changes in Skin Condition: Cold hands or feet, skin colour changes, puffy, mottled, or rash appearance
- Altered Clinical Observations: Fluctuations in blood sugar, blood pressure, or pulse rates
- Increase in Pain: New or worsening pain
- Altered Mental State: Lethargy, withdrawal, confusion, or decreased alertness
- Temperature Abnormalities: Shivering, fever, coldness, or clamminess
- Changes in Eating and Drinking Habits: Reduced appetite, decreased fluid intake
- Urination Problems: Strong-smelling urine, difficulty urinating
- Gastrointestinal Symptoms: Diarrhoea, vomiting, dehydration
Documentation and Action
Any deterioration observed must be documented, and appropriate actions, including increased monitoring, should be initiated promptly.